Resources and Get in touch


Dr Muggleton has recorded a video with top tips for using the F-NDQ for parents, available here:

Dr Muggleton presented the F-NDQ at the Autism Network Scotland Event, available to view

We are always keen to get constructive feedback from a range of professionals, experts by experience and service users on the F-NDQ. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any comments about what is good about the F-NDQ or working well, or if you have any ideas for how we could improve the F-NDQ.

We are happy to be contacted by organisations with enquiries regarding the licensing, or administration of the F-NDQ, or with ideas for collaboration.

Please note: we are unable to provide support to service users completing the F-NDQ. If you are completing the F-NDQ and have any questions about how to complete it, or sources of support, please contact the professional who gave you the F-NDQ. Please do not send completed or partly completed F-NDQs. We will not respond to emails containing F-NDQs.

You can contact us at